Once the legally required conditions for access have been met, the Academic Committee of the Programme will decide on admission on the basis of the following criteria:
- Students who can prove they have studied a scientific-technical bachelor's degree and a master's degree and submit an application endorsed by one of the programme's lecturers will be admitted by the master's degree academic committee. In these cases, the committee itself will assign the role of tutor and director to the lecturer who endorses the student.
- In this sense, master's degrees such as the Master's Degree in Physics Instrumentation offered by the physics section of the University of Valladolid, which is linked to this doctoral programme, or other master's degrees with a clear technical scientific content in different areas such as chemistry, mathematics, various engineering fields, etc., will be valid.
- In cases where the student does not hold any of the previous qualifications, does not meet the administrative requirements for doctoral studies but does have the endorsement of one of the programme's lecturers, the academic committee will carry out a detailed study of the application in order to decide whether the student is admitted to the programme, by means of:
a. Assessment of previous student activities.
b. Interview with the candidate.
c. Analysis of their knowledge.
In the event that the student is finally admitted, the committee itself will assign the role of tutor and director to the lecturer who endorses the student:
These admission requirements apply to both part-time and full-time students.